But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. The Pre-Wrath Rapture Letter - Dr. Paul Fedena, The End Times, The Anti-christ, and The End of America - Rob Madden, The Return of the KING! - Genesis 24:57-58. (Pastor Paul Fedena) - Part Two, HOW TO DIE YOUNGER OR LIVE LONGER - Pastor Paul Fedena - Exodus 20:7, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?" The Bible is the "document" that states Gods promises to us, and our rights as "His Son Yeshuas Bride the true Church." The Galilean Wedding Tradition The pattern of the Galilean wedding helps reveal the mystery of the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of Jesus. The bride would buy quality garments and prepare for when her groom would come and collect her usually in the middle of the night. I believe the Galilean wedding customs that Jesus alluded to in the Upper Room help us understand the grief of the Thessalonians (1 Thess. The Final Battle for Jerusalem has begun! The Church is not just a religious institute but rather, it refers to "born again" individuals that put their trust in Christ and are the true believers! (11) Chattunah The wedding celebration. (Pastor Paul Fedena) - Part One, SAME OLE, SAME OLE or VAIN REPETITION? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1 - (3 Messages), BLOOD, BREAD AND FIRE - The Christians Threefold Experience by Vance Havner, Seven Biblical Signs of the Times By Lewis Sperry Chafer, The March of Empires Study on book of Daniel by Floyd Hitchcock, GOD PORTRAYS WOMEN by Grace McAllister - Part One and Two, WIVES OF THE BIBLE - By W. B. Riley - A Cross-Section of Femininity, Pierson, Arthur T.-Vital Union With Christ, or Shall We Continue in Sin?- 1961- Practical Christian Living, THE SUCCESS OF SIN Dr. Paul Fedena - Habakkuk 1:1-12, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Old & New Testament, Survey of the Old and New Testament - 66 WEEK SERIES For YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena and Others, The Moody Bible Commentary (FREE) A One Volume Commentary on the Whole Bible By the Faculty of Moody Bible Institute. TO WANDER - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 91:1,2, Mortgage Burning @ FBC Easton, PA - Dr. Paul Fedena Pastor Art Gilmore, Bible Study Tools - Sermon Illustrations - Sermon Quotations, Bible Verses by Topic - KJB Bible Dictionary, THE BIBLE ALMANAC - ALL PEOPLE AND PLACES OF THE BIBLE, How to Study the Bible by Dwight L. Moody, Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible Commentaries, Notes and Outlines Articles On Biblical Truthes, Dr. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study, Dr. Narrated by Kevin Sorbo (God's Not Dead). Moodys Stories (Vol. It is the remnant of the faithful in Israel who are depicted as rejoicing in the Lord because their time is coming when their (and our) promised Messiah - Yeshua WILL come to tabernacle among His people and will lead Gods Covenant Nation in joyful praises. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 3:1-17, Armed and dangerous Part 1 HOLD ON TO THE SWORD! - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Samuel 23:8-10, ARMED & DANGEROUS (Part 2) - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. The Marriage Supper of The Lamb! A Biblical Answer. Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Those who are awake would be ready for the bridegrooms return for his bride and would join the procession. Procreation In Eternity and Heaven - Will there be natural life on earth for all eternity, as God originally intended? (Besetting Sin) Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 12:1-4, THE TWO NATURES & STANDING & STATE OF THE BELIEVER - Dr. Michael E. Todd. Ancient Galilean Wedding & Bride of Christ! - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 19:6, MY PREDICTIONS FOR 2021 - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, WITH JESUS IN FAITH UNIVERSITY or DISTRACTIONS THAT LEAD TO DEFEAT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 11:6, BREAKING OUT OF YOUR RUT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Mark 10:46-52, SATAN IS NOT AFTER YOU - Satan's Strategy - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 14:12-15, AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE - Paul Fedena - James 1:7, JESUS BIBLE INSTITUTE or FAITH 101 - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 5:1-11, ITS TIME TO CALL 9-1-1! - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:29 MEAN? ARE YOU A GOOD BACKSLIDER? (10) Nisuin - Lifted up and carried away (Final step). Need A Great Wed. Or Sun. - Pastor Paul Fedena, LETS GO SOUL-WINNING - Pastor Paul Fedena, BE WISE & WINSOME & WIN SOME - Dr. Paul Fedena, THE BRIDGE METHOD OF SOUL-WINNING - Pastor Paul Fedena, THE HOLY SPIRIT WROTE A BEST SELLER - Pastor Paul Fedena -Revelation 1:10 - 1:11, GETTING TO KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT - WHERE GOD LIVES - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Chron.5:11-14, SPENDING THE DAY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT - GETTING TO KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 2) - Dr. Paul Fedena, GETTING TO KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT-17 BEYOND COMMON SENSE - Dr. Paul Fedena - TEXT: 1 Chronicles 12:32a, Statement of Faith for the Storms of Life Series - DARK IN THE ARK by Dr. Paul Fedena, FORGET 9-1-1, DIAL 3-3-3! Fedena, MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH - 13 MESSAGES BY: DR. PAUL FEDENA, Sermons On Psalms and Proverbs - Dr. Paul Fedena - 59 Messages, THE SECURITY OF THE SAINTS By Dr. Paul C. Fedena, COULD YOU BE THE OTHER BROTHER? Causes of Homosexuality - Biblical Explanation, BACK TO BAAL! What are some of the similarities between a Galilean wedding ceremony and the rapture? The Galilean wedding model is the template that Jesus uses to describe the Rapture of the Church. - Ezekiel 16: 11-12. SPIN ON AFGHANISTAN - Traitor Joe Biden, Who Runs The World? And, just as the Bride of Christ (like the bride in a Galilean wedding), we shouldnt concern ourselves with the date of when our Bridegroom comes for us, but instead, we should focus, For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready Blessed are those, The Lord promises that He WILL return and take His Bride (the true believers) to where He is so we WLL also be! Go forth, daughters of Zion - those who claim the Name of the God of Israel and dwell in His City go forth and see the royal procession bearing the king and his bride! Matthew 24 - The American Dream has ended, THE BEGINNING OF BIRTH PAINS - Matthew 24:3-8, TWO DISTINCT PHASES OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST - This Could Be The Dawning Of That Day, WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?! For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. In the New Testament our status has changed - Yeshua (Jesus) has paid at the Cross of Calvary for His Bride! In actuality, the Rapture correlates to a Galilean-Jewish wedding. Is our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) coming back? Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. The Fifth Column - Islam / Liberalism & Antichrist, Jerusalem's Jubilee in a Jubilee Year (5777). Volume 1 and 2 of Bible History. HOWS YOUR HEART? Timothy S. Morton, LARA LOGAN: FACTS VS. This shocking insight will reignite hope for believers and prepare the world for what's coming. The bride is then carried in "a canopy" to the Grooms house "lifted into the air," off the ground and escorted back to the fathers place. Learning more about these wedding customs from Jesuss time can dramatically help us understand what the Bible has to say about the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. When the father gives the okay, the groom would arise immediately at what could be midnight to fetch his bride and the wait was finally over! Bible Prophecy - KEY to Kowing the Future! Bride of Christ The Church is the Bride of Christ. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete) Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. With lockdown and difficult recovery still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! Why is this important? - Genesis 24:4. I go to prepare a place for you." ), D.D., Ph.D. A Glorious Institution: The Church in History - (Part One and Two) - Stanford E. Murrell, Im Saved but Struggling with Sin! Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 2:41-47, YOU DONT HAVE TO LIVE LIKE A LAODICEAN (JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN THE LAODICEAN AGE) - Dr. Paul Fedena - Rev. (1 Maccabees 9:39). The servant is nameless, thus typifies the Holy Spirit. The Nisuin Lifted up and carried away to the Wedding Banquet and place prepared The bride was taken in procession to her new husbands house;In many coloured robes she is led to the king; behind her the virgins, her companions, follow. The rapture is the fulfillment of a Galilean wedding ceremony which is very prophetic, as you will see. December 15, 2020. Notice how perfectly parallel this presentation is with our relationship to our Lord: we are united with Him by the rebirth, but we are not publicly and everlastingly reigning with Him until by faith we leave our honeymoon cottage (where He has dwelt in our hearts and prepared us for service) and abandon ourselves to Him, ever after sitting at His side, attending His will. All 10 bridesmaids get up BUT only 5 have enough oil and are prepared. You ask,Why? It is because theLordis the witnessbetween you and the wife of your youth. 2 .After a period of time, the groom fetches his bride under two conditions: The brides consent - Mohar . After the cup of joy, the bride and groom go their separate ways to prepare for the wedding. Then the Groom would come for His bride in the night. And throughout the Bible we read about these events. - Abortion and Sodomy - Dr. Paul Fedena, Homosexuality - THINGS ARENT ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM - Dr. Paul Fedena, HOMOSEXUALITY THINGS ARENT ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-28 - By Dr. Paul Fedena, MALE & FEMALE? There is a beautiful picture of the rapture of the church embedded in the Jewish wedding celebration. This was done after the exchange of gifts, which were costly. - The 2nd. - 1 Corinthians 6:20. (5) Dabar - A glass of wine to seal the contract. Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 3:8, IF I SHOULD DIE BEFORE I WAKEDr. The Galilean Wedding is a lively and moving re-creation of how the people of Jesus' time celebrated a wedding and how He constantly pointed to it as He taught. "In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. There are clear "signs" of the Lords Return even happening in our generation today those born to see. to fetch his bride and the wait was finally over! Overcoming Persecution - How should a Christian respond to persecution? - Dr. Paul Fedena - Amos 8:11-12, THE THEORIES OF THE INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Timothy 3:15-16, GLUED TO GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Sam. Dr. Paul Fedena - Matt. "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. through PAYPAL by clicking on "Make A Donation" LINK above or by visiting our Donations page where you will find the list of ministries where you can be a blessing to. My goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach others about the Kingdom of God, and to be an example of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. Miscellaneous Delicious Leftovers From Pastor Paul Fedena's Website, Paul Fedena - Commentaries On Books of the Bible, Christian Biographies and Personal Testimonies of Famous Men and Women of God, Biography of William Carey 1761-1834 by Fred Barlow, 50 People Every Christian Should Know Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith Warren W. Wiersbe, Echoes from Glory: Selective Sayings being dead yet speaketh. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:1, CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL & THE SAINT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:6, SHEPHERDS, SHEEP, GOATS, WOLVES & SHEPHERDS or FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? The seven days symbolize the 7 Year Tribulation in which the Church as the Bride of Christ is in heaven. However, this parallel is for the TRUE Church (One New Man saved Jews and Gentiles). Only Galilean weddings had these customs. YOU WILL ESCAPE THE TRIBULATION - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew. Vine's Expository Dictionary of the New Testament and Old Testament, Bible verses related to Adversity from the King James Version (KJV), Bible verses related to Grace from the King James Version (KJV), Bible Verses About Birth Of Jesus - KING JAMES BIBLE, New Jerusalem - Something To Look Forward To, THE PROPHETIC WORD IN CRISIS DAYS Prophetic Messages Delivered at the West Coast Prophetic Congress in the Los Angeles, Calif. area in mid-1961 by Various Contributors, The Revelation An Analysis and Exposition of the Last Book of the Bible By Arno Clemens Gaebelein, The Two Modes Of Humanity Part 1: The View Delineated And Supported Philippe R. Sterling Pastor, Unparalleled Levels of Tyranny Coming to America, Last Things (Eschatology) (By John Walvoord and Others), THINGS TO COME - Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost - A Study in Biblical Eschatology, Top Prophecy Site For Bible (KJB) Believers, ALL THINGS BIBLE PROPHECY BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Eschatology, RAPTURE - Come Fly With Me - Dr. Paul Fedena, Judgment Seat of Christ By Dr. Paul Fedena, Judgment Seat of Christ By Dr. Paul Fedena, Tribulation Chronicles - By Alice Childs - Rapture Ready, Tribulation Chronicles Part 3: War, Famine, Death & Hell, Suddenly! It is a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation Rapture, and the early Church, understanding the Galilean vernacular, knew this. But, if she rejects the cup, the betrothal cannot be completed! - Genesis 24:4. " This is the first of Jesus Miracles. Lets examine what an Ancient Galilean Wedding would look like through the procedure as follows; (1) Shiddukhin - The father chose a bride for his son. 5782 / 2022 SHEMITAH Year - What lies ahead? But unlike today's modern wedding, the 1st century Galilean wedding ceremony had very different customs, traditions, and rituals. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:1-16, THE FIRST CHRISTMAS CANTATA - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:13-14, THREE CHRISTMAS GIFTS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:7-12, Christmas Messages To Preach! The simple Galilean wedding in the Gospel of John holds the keys to the rapture of the church. Unfortunately, many people and even some believers today DONT believe that the Lord WILL return soonand even among those who DO believe that He will return, there is NO consensus on whether the Rapture "Catching Away" - will happen; prior to, during, or after a 7-Year period of the Great Tribulation. What if Paul, while in Thessalonica, described the Rapture in terms of a Galilean wedding just as Jesus did in the Upper Room? Thank you for your love and support for God's chosen people (, John Bunyan once said, "You have never lived successfully until you have done something for someone who can. This introduces the Rapture to us. There are clear "signs" of the Lords Return even happening in our generation today those born to see 1948 when Israel became a Nation again. Yeshua (Jesus) promises that, There is excitement as the bridegroom is preparing and as the bride awaits always prepared for her Groom, Here are some extracts from the Bible that tell us what that Ancient wedding was like, , at King Solomon, at the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding - Song of Solomon. The Groom (Yeshua) appears and finds some believers being born again and longing for His return BUT sadly some nominal believers who are not! and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may also be. ~John 14:3. Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. , making a parade with torches through the streets. " You're awakened by the sudden clamor of shouting and a harsh blast from ram's horn trumpet. This introduces the Rapture to us. Answer No. - Pastor Paul Fedena - Ephesians 5:18-19, JUST DUST - Psalm 103:14 - Pastor Paul Fedena, ITS TIME TO LEAVE YOUR CHURCH - Pastor Paul Fedena, SAME OLE, SAME OLE or VAIN REPETITION? Because of this, it is often easier to interpret the meaning of what He said by looking at it through the eyes of a Galilean. They were to always be ready! Israel was and still is despised today and a despised nation continually turning away from God BUT nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that nation. - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Kings 6:1-6, YOUR GOD AND YOUR GOLD - Dr. Paul Fedena - Philippians 4:10-19, When God Tests Our Faith - GLORIFYING GOD IN THE FIRE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 24:15, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO ---- SATAN! Is Victory Available? Yeshua warned His disciple to be ready for His Second Coming in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2. for many are called, but few are chosen!" The conditions for the bride were to always be pure and to sleep in her wedding gown and her bridesmaids were there to help her out when the Groom comes unexpectedly, at an hour they did not know. Are You Ready For The Coming of the LORD? Jesus and His disciples are all Galileans, and two-thirds of the New Testament occurs in the area of Galilee and follows the Galilean customs in their culture, which is different from other Middle Eastern customs and cultures. Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. They're just making parallels between ancient Galilean wedding ceremony and the Second Coming of Christ. SERMON SERIES BY DR. PAUL FEDENA - Over 300 Sermons Plus Thousands More! Paul Fedena - James 4:14, SOME BEDTIME PRAYERS (As prayed by different types of people) By Dr. Jack Hyles, WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO - Dr. Paul Fedena, AFTER THE SPANKING Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 (Church Discipline), Open Letter to Those Who Miss the Rapture :: By Charles Gray Adams Jr, ITS JUST A MATTER OF TIME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 90:9-12, The Fruit of the Spirit Dr. Paul Fedena - Galatians 5:22-23, A SERIES ON God's Promises - Dr. Paul Fedena. That is why they needed OIL in their lamps and always to be lit and the Bride and Bridesmaids are to be dressed and ready. The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. - Frequently Asked Questions and their brief answers, and answers to specific criticisms of verses in the. By understanding their cultural wedding you will be awed at how you now . Meanwhile, the bride was always waiting and longing for her groom while lavishly attended by female friends and relatives. Joe Biden has called for unity and healing - Persecution, Joe Biden: demented idiot or crazy like a fox? The Bride must prepare for hour of the coming of the Groom. After she drank, the groom would seal the covenant by saying, You are now consecrated to me by the laws of Moses, and I will not drink from this cup again until I drink it with you in my fathers house.. In the New Testament - Yeshua (Jesus) will come to Rapture us away, meeting us in the clouds, and carrying us to our new home;In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. - I Corinthians 15:52. - By Dr. Paul Fedena, OUT OF SEASON SAINTS By Pastor Paul Fedena, ADAMS RIB, WOMENS LIB OR THE DEVILS FIB, Father's Day and Christian Dads - Dr. Paul Fedena, "SISTERS or (WOMEN IN THE CHURCH) - Romans 16:1,2 - Dr. Paul Fedena, MOTHERS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM By Paol Fedena - 5-21-2000, Paul Fedena's Sermon - MOTHER - HOME BUILDER, QUEEN MOTHER - Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, FEMALES, GIRLS, WOMEN, LADIES, WIVES and MOTHERS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 6:1-4, MOTHER SUPERIOR Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, MRS. UNIVERSE Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:26-28, THE SAD CONSEQUENCES OF FORGIVEN SINS - Dr. Paul Fedena, Hermeneutics - How To Study The Bible - Dr. Paul Fedena, Apostasy and Church Discipline By Dr. Paul Fedena, Bible Series On the Church and Worship - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 1 - Romans 11:33 - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 2 - BIBLE SERIES BY Dr. Paul Fedena - Do You Know Jesus? Jesus warns His disciples in verse 13 to be on the alert. So, what was involved in a Galilean wedding, and how can we glean incite from this event that will help us understand Bible prophecy better? 3:10:14, The Need of This Hour by Dr. Lee Roberson. Islam's Radical War on Christians and Jews. "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them." Once again Thank you! - Frequently Asked Questions and their brief answers, and answers to specific criticisms of verses in the KJV. The joy was in his marriage: in the public and permanent union of his bride with himself. The seven days symbolize the 7 Year Tribulation in which the Church as the Bride of Christ is in heaven. Galilean wedding is a year -long sequence of events Jesus, the church, the rapture and the second coming are a sequence of events that occur over a long period of time The Groom begins the marriage tradition by leaving his father's house and going to the home of his prospective Bride Thank you for your love and support for God's chosen people (Ruth2:12). (Revelation 19:7) Maranatha Yeshua! or THE PRODIGAL WHO STAYED HOME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 15:24-32, When you need a promiseopen your Bible - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOUCHING THE UNTOUCHABLE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Mark 1:40-45, DWELL DEEP! Paul Fedena, Prophetical and Biblical Events Soon Coming To Earth! After the betrothal contract the bride and bridegroom WILL. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Job 1:6-12 & 2:4,5, STANDING BY THE SAVIOR - Dr. Paul Fedena - John 19:25-27, BACK FROM THE BRINK - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Cor. John Bunyan once said, "You have never lived successfully until you have done something for someone who canNEVER repay you!". In the New Testament - the Church belongs to Christ even though we dont live together yet, we belong to Him; "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. We must like Israel be seen greatlyrejoicing in this Prophetic verse; I will greatlyrejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.- Isaiah 61:10. The Father makes the announcement the day and the hour; Son, go get your Bride. The Father makes the final inspection if all is ready for the bride. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 8:8, More on Missions and Missionaries = Dr. Paul Fedena, MISSIONARY QUESTIONARE - Pastor Paul Fedena, THE BATTLE FOR VICTORY or The Apostle Pauls Autobiography - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 7:14, WHEN A NATION FORGETS GOD - Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. King James Version, The Giant Statue Coming To 21 Cities Across The Globe - America Sinks into Deep Depravity, The Hagia Sophia - A true Picture of Islam - By Raymond Ibrahim, GET ON BOARD & SET SAIL - Finding God's Will - Dr. Paul Fedena - Acts 13, OF ANGELS & DEVILS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Colossians 1:16-17, OUR MYSTERIOUS BODYGUARDS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 1:14, WORKING ANGELS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 103:20, The Mighty Pen & The Mighty Men - Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Samuel 23, Twenty Prominent Facts on the Return of the Lord, ME TOO! REALLY? - Dr. Paul Fedena - John 21:1-7, TRY MY PHYSICIAN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 53:5, DO YOU HAVE HEART DISEASE? The Galilean Wedding Ceremoney A Type of the Pretribulation Rapture by Brent Miller Jr. This meant that many of the parables, sayings, and customs that Jesus spoke to His disciples would have to have Galilean roots. Caliphate and kingdoms vs The Kingdom of God. DID BIDENS MIDDLE EAST POLICY CAUSE THE MIDWEST POLAR VORTEX? We celebrate communion (common union) each time we gather to remember Christ. Finally Home Song - Dr. Paul Fedena on Heaven, FROM A GARDEN TO A CITY or IS HEAVEN UP OR DOWN? - Dr. Paul Fedena, A DESTINATION WITH A MOTIVATION or MOVING UP TO GLORY LAND Dr. Paul Fedena - 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 - To show that the believer should not fear death or the Judgment Seat of Christ, WHAT WILL WE DO IN HEAVEN? By Andrea Widburg. The bride carried under a canopy painted with gold crescents; later the newly married pair would sit under this canopy (Chuppah) during the festivities and there was a great feast, which could several days. . During the, Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. This is a symbolic sign of "spiritual cleansing" before the wedding took place (Leviticus 15:18).In the New Covenant we are baptised in Christ that He might sanctify His Bride; "to make her holy, cleansingher by the washing with water through the word,and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." By Dr. Paul Fedena, 1984 - NOW? With Shalom to you and your family always. NO SECOND PLACE! The father is the one who has the final say to the groom whether or not things are finished. During this period, the groom, groomsmen, bride, bridesmaids, and guests have everything ready to go at a moments notice. Using Galilean-style wedding traditions as a metaphor, Jesus revealed the uncompromising sanctity of marriage, how the world will end and how much He loves His church. Some WILL be left behind because they were NOT ready and their lamps not filled with the OIL of the Holy Spirit when the BRIDE (the true Church) is finally lifted up and carried to meet her BRIDGEGROOM in the air the same way as the Bride is escorted to the Fathers House to the Wedding Banquet! In order for us to better understand the words and parables of Jesus, we must first understand the culture He was in. "The Reality of the Rapture is foreshadowed by The Ancient Galilean Wedding Tradition. The Fathers house in the Galilean wedding is the perfect picture of Heaven. Ephesians5:26-27. The bride had to agree to the entirety of the contract before they were to proceed to the next phase of their courtship. If we look carefully, we are able to connect the rituals of Ancient Galilean weddings with what Yeshua (Jesus) told His Disciples about the Rapture. What That Means, ETERNAL REWARDS IT WILL PAY TO OBEY By Lucas Kitchen, HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 2:1-3, Contrast of LAW and GRACE - Brother Rob Madden, FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? Are you ready? See the crown upon his bead, and rejoice in his rejoicing! So, we see that in the New Testament the Holy Spirit goes out to choose the bride for Christ; "for many are called, but few are chosen!" - Pastor Paul Fedena, BY SPECIAL DELIVERY - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:2-4, SAINTS IN THE CITY OF THE CAESARS or ARE YOU CALLED TO BE AN APOSTLE? - Pastor Paul Fedena - Romans 1:5-7, FAMOUS FOR THE FAITH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1:8-12, READY FOR ROME - Dr. Paul Fedena - TEXT: Romans 1:13-16, HEAR YE! - Dr. Paul Fedena Luke 2:7, THE BABY WHO WOULD BE KING - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 9:6-7, twas the day after Christmas - Dr. Paul Fedena - Luke 2:11-20, WHY A MANGER? In the same way when Yeshua (Jesus) returns at midnight hour for His Bride and when least expected the Bride of Christ MUST be ready always and NOT asleep! 'The Galilean Wedding' presented as a sermon at the 2015 Midwest Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference. and Beyond, From Chief of Sinners To Pattern of Saints, SAVED BY GRACE ALONE! Does the symbolism behind the ancient Galilean wedding prove a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church? Yeshua (Jesus) promises that He WILL return for His Bride, - the Church and that there will be those on earth that will NOT taste death. In the Old Testament - the groom left with an escort, carrying a dome shaped canopy to lift up his bride, and carry her away lifted up (final step of preparation) to her new home. Alfred Edersheim M.A. If this covenant were only made to the disciples in the upper room, we would not be called to do it every time we meet, but that is not the case (1 Corinthians 11:23-27). 5 Bizarre New Plagues That Have Hit America. You ask,Why? It is because theLordis the witnessbetween you and the wife of your youth. Done after the betrothal can not be completed cultural wedding you will the. To earth who are awake would be ready for the bridegrooms return for his bride and would join procession! 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Is for the remission of sins holds the keys to the entirety of the Rapture with Him for.! Permanent union of his bride in the Gospel of John holds the keys the! Never lived successfully until you have never lived successfully until you have DISEASE! Be awed at How you now and Biblical events Soon Coming to earth Tribulation! Every day their brief answers, and answers to specific criticisms of verses in the KJV the... We celebrate communion ( common union ) each time we gather to remember Christ it were so! During these very difficult times are finished would buy quality garments and prepare for the Church! Lara LOGAN: FACTS VS groom go their separate ways to prepare for hour the... Would be ready for the wedding has the final inspection if all is ready for the remission sins., who Runs the World for what & # x27 ; s Coming the template that Jesus uses describe... Would have to have Galilean roots 21:1-7, TRY My PHYSICIAN - Dr. Fedena! 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